For curious entrepreneurs who are interested in SaaS startups

Insightful information about software startups from Dharmesh Shah

Agent AI: Connecting The Dots With New Newsletter
tl;dr: Earlier this week, I launched a new, A.I. focused newsletter on Why Another Newsletter? I've been digging into A.I. for a while now, and I just wanted a convenient…
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5 common mistakes by first-time startup founders and how to avoid them
The following is a guest post by Arjun Moorthy, founder of The Factual. Arjun and I have known each other for a long time, originally when he was a member of the HubSpot leadership…
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Sorry, Must Pass
The following is an iteration of a blog post I wrote 15+ years ago. Version 1 of that post markedly improved my life, so I decided to periodically update it. The most recent update…
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Why I Built FirstWord, The Unofficial Wordle Trainer
Last weekend, just for fun, I hacked together a simple web application called FirstWord. Not exactly sure how to describe it, but it's kind of a trainer to make you a better Wordle…
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An Alternative To Freemium That Worked For HubSpot [video]
In the early days of HubSpot, I somewhat accidentally ended up discovering a new approach to freemium that wasn't really freemium. Here's a short (1 minute 15 second) video clip on…
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Simple Frameworks For Success (Full Video + Transcript)
I was recently on The Hustle's "My First Million" podcast with Sam Parr and Shaan Puri. I'm a fan of the show, so it was a lot of fun to be on as a guest. One quick apology before we…
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