Are you building a profitable business? I’m not asking whether or not your
business is profitable now, but whether it will ever be
profitable? More importantly, does future profitability enter into your current
decision-making? If not, you’re doing your business and yourself a disservice.

Leave the “no profits” model to the not-for-profits — they’re much
better at it.
For some reason, many startups treat profit as a 4 letter word. The common
argument goes something like this: “We’re going to create something so
fantastically wonderful that millions of people are going to flock to our site,
and then we’re going to be fantastically successful. Just like YouTube. Or
Facebook. Or Twitter”
This reminds me of one of my favorite Southpark episode about the Underpants
Watch this clip if you haven’t seen it yet (or haven’t seen it recently).